Be career ready with customized, professional development.

We assist you with preparing for an interview, being a great leader as a first time manager, building your brand, expanding your network, and more. QSN Consulting will help you jumpstart and grow your career.

Like our Life Coaching, our Professional Coaching services are customized to meet your needs. We first listen and assess to make sure we understand your unique situation and goals. Then we design the plan that’s right for you.

Key components of our Professional Coaching:

  • Customized meetings to fit your needs via phone or video

  • Text and email support

  • Resource recommendations

  • Support and guidance throughout

  • Key takeaways to maintain success



Qiana is a leader that inspires transformational change!

“Qiana is a leader that inspires transformational change!!! I’ve had the privilege of knowing and witnessing Qiana grow from an individual contributor, into an exemplary Senior Leader within our organization over the past +10 years. During that time, countless people have credited her with having a significant impact on their careers through her coaching and commitment to developing them. I personally was the beneficiary of her coaching and expertise as she invested several hours of her time helping me prepare to secure my last promotion. I couldn’t possibly give a stronger endorsement to a professional who cares, is committed and capable of taking you to the next level in your career. Get ready to LEVEL UP!!!!”

— Q.J.

Qiana invested time and was available for me!

“Even as an individual with a degree, experience, and a high level of accomplishments, I continued to struggle to navigate the complexities of my career and reach the success that I wanted to achieve. That all changed when I began to work and get mentorship from Qiana. She invested time and was available for me, she laid out a plan and created a truly organic atmosphere that challenged, strengthened and developed many attributes and skillsets that have personally enhanced me as a coworker and individual. So much so that within 1 year of our partnership, I have been promoted, nominated for a city-wide prestigious leadership program, and I have increased VP level engagement and interaction – all thanks to the help of Qiana. I know that through our partnership I will continue to grow personally and professionally!”

— C.H.